MacWeb Site Material 3


In the huge overall MacWeb May update, we released a new app, released a bunch of new features, content, and fixes on many of our apps, and we're also launching the brand new designs of MacWeb Site Material 3! Responsive designs, mobile improvements, accessibility enhancements, and a more modernized look, all coming in Site Material 3! Let's see what's new:


The main highlight, and the one we spent the most time on, is the responsive designs on each MacWeb app so it works across different screens and devices. We had very annoying and ugly appearance issues when you use other devices than a computer to use the apps or when you're zooming in. To fix this, the navigation bar on the top auto adjusts its content, fitting all the links into one dropdown menu. If that's still too crowded, there's gonna be a button that expands the side menu for links. This update made the navigation and the experience using the app way more convenient, fast, cleaner, and easier on the eyes. The content also auto adjusts to fit the screen size and not waste any space or stretching out of the screen. Here are some before and after comparison images of this huge improvement 📱.


Other than the responsive design interface, we also updated out navigation and content apperances to make it more user friendly, modern, and clean. We also fixed some styling issues and bugs such as animations not working properly, wrong colors, spacing issues, and more. With this enhancement, we hope to bring a better experience to all our users, no matter what device they're using 🔥!

Other Improvements, Changes, and Fixes include:
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